First up is the 5th Annual Kelly's Running of the Leprechauns 8k in Nags Head, NC on Saturday March 16th. A nice race that features both "hard top" and trails (and, apparently, quite a few crazies in costume!)

Should be fun! The following day I will be donning my GSOBX bike shirt and riding in the annual St. Paddy's Day Parade (the biggest in NC apparently) to help promote bicycle safety on the Outer Banks (I hope I remember my helmet!) ;-)
After that, on Saturday April 6th I will be running the St. Timothy's Spring Sprint in North Hills, Raleigh, This is part of the Second Empire Grand Prix Series and was a fun event when I ran it a couple of years back. Perhaps a bit hilly for a 5k, but I think the course has been changed since then,

Any of my Raleigh buds want to join me for this one?
I'm hoping that for the Running of the Leprechauns, which is sponsored by Kelly's Restaurant (and for the Spring Sprint for that matter...), there may be a few of these at the finish!

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