Santa certainly earned his rest, but I have just been (to use an English term) "knackered" all the time. Not quite sure why, but I guess that it doesn't hurt to get my body some real rest and chill for a while. I'm also still finding myself coughing a little, so maybe that's a contributing factor?
Anyway, time's up and I need to get busy! I have managed to swim most weeks and have managed the odd long ride and some mountain biking, but running has been almost non-existent, so it's time to get busy down at the coast over the New Year break.
Sadly I can feel my calves this morning after playing "Just Dance 4" on XBox Kinect yesterday, but I have to say that it is an awesome workout! Best of all, SWMBO and the two junior misses hate that they can't touch me dancing to "Call Me Maybe".... this Old Fart still has a few moves! :-)

Bring on the 2013 season!