Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunny Days & Equipment Malfunctions

What a difference a week makes!   As noted in my previous post, last Sunday I headed out for a 50 mile ride in freezing mist and drizzle and its was completely and utterly miserable.  There's no doubt that getting drenched and chilled to the bone didn't help my "man flu"!

Falls Lake looked like this:

One week later and I set out this morning on much the same route on an absolutely glorious late January North Carolina morning.    Still a bit chilly (34 F when I left and 44 when I got back) so I wrapped-up warmly, but the sky was a clear Carolina blue with not a cloud in sight. 

Thats more like it!

I stopped at around half way for a quick drink and clipped out of my pedals.    Uh oh.....     Ummmm.....I'm pretty sure that's not meant to happen!:

The cleat on my left shoe broke, leaving half of it attached to the pedal!  

There wasn't much to do but keep going at that point.   I left things as they were and found that if I "wiggled around for a while" I could get the two parts of the broken cleat to marry-up sufficiently well that pedaling felt pretty secure and I made it home safely.

The good news is that I have a spare set of Speedplay Snap Road Cleats which came with the new pedals that I put on The Slut, so I'll just put them on my shoes later.

The Puppeteer called for a "gentle" ride, so I took it pretty easy and it felt good out there.   No issues at all with my calf and breathing wasn't too bad after my bout of Man Flu.    I'm happy and yet again grateful to be living in a part of the world where we can ride outside in January!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Man Flu...

Not just back to the blog for a new post, but also finally feeling ready to start some light training again after an awful week!

I have had horrible "flu like" symptoms.  Fever, aches, pains, shivers, sore throat, cough, congestion...ugh!   It was a really nasty one.   I'm pretty sure that it wasn't actually the flu - in my experience people throw the term around far too loosely.  If you've ever really had the flu you'll know what I mean!   If you have the flu there's no way you can be up and about, so it wasn't the flu because, unfortunately, I had a ton of work to do with some important deadlines and no one to delegate to, so I had to do my best to work every day (at home - there's no way I could or would have gone in to the office).  Could never have done that with the flu. No resk for the wicked apparently!

I guess it must have been....  "the Man Flu"!

SWMBO had the same lurgy last week and, no doubt, I caught it from her, but I probably didn't help my own cause when I set out for a 50 mile ride early last Sunday in freezing mist.  The temp. was 30 F when I left home and pretty soon there were small ice pellets on my helmet and glasses and I was drenched and oh so cold....   so much for that ride - I turned around after 8.5 miles and rode home again.   I was going to make up the distance on the trainer in front of the NFL playoffs that afternoon, but that's when it hit and there was just no way....

What really pissed me off was not being able to work out.   I guess what they say about endorphins is true.  I even missed my swim workouts, and that's saying something.  I'm especially bummed as I was going to have a pool session with The Pupeteer and The Snitch at Homestead in Chapel Hill yesterday, but there was just no way....   Missing almost a weeks worth of workouts is not the way I wanted to start the New Year!

I woke up this morning finally feeling a little more myself.  Fever subsided and congestion clearing.  It was soooo nice to finally get outside and get some fresh air as I went for a 55 minute walk around the neighborhood - it felt as if I had been released from a dungeon.  Of course it didn't hurt that it was sunny and 68 F in late January!

OK, I'm back!   TRX and a 30 min run tomorrow and a "gentle" (The Pupeteer's word, not mine) two hour ride on Sunday will hopefully get me feeling much better!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Stop the Congestion!

While crowded roads and traffic back-ups are certainly annoying, this isn't what I'm referring to.....

......rather I'm referring to congestion in this area......

Yep....   I'm getting absolutely sick and tried of having almost continuous nasal congestion.

Ever since I was a kid (and that's a loooooong time ago!) I have suffered with nasal congestion after swimming in chlorinated pools.   Almost inevitably, within an hour or so of getting out of the pool my nasal passages are blocked and it can often last 48 hours or more.   I used to also get terribly red eyes, but thankfully that seems to have passed!

Now that I am working hard on my swin and increasing the number of sessions that I am spending in the pool, I am basically "blocked-up" pretty much all week 24/7 and I hate it!!!    Not only is it generally unpleasant, but it also hampers my bike and run workouts and, worse, I have had a somewhat "paniced" feeling a couple of times when I have gone to bed because of the feeling of not being able to breathe.   Not a nice sensation I can assure you!

So what to do?

I have added two weapons to my armory....

The first is this stuff:

Basically a pH balanced saline rinse that you squirt up one nostril and it comes out the other.  Not neally as bad as it sounds once you get used to it!   I tried it after my last swim and my observation was that it seemed to delay but not prevent the onset of congestion.  I will keep trying.

The second weapon is this:

Kind of a freaky picture!
Yes, a nose clip.   I haven't tried it in the pool yet and I already hate the way it feels, but it must be better than the congested feeling, so I'm willing to give it a try!   First outing tomorrow - I'll report back!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wrestling with The Slut.....

No, it's not this - get your minds out of the gutter!

Had a two hour ride scheduled this morning and decided to do what I call the "Two Bridge Ride" - starting in Nags Head, NC; riding over the Washington Baum Bridge; riding across Roanoke Island; ride over the William B. Umstead Bridge: a short distance through Mann's Harbor and then turn around and do the same route in reverse.

It was about 37 degrees and breezy when I set out, so I dressed warmly and boy was I pleased that I did!   All was fine as I crossed the causeway and the Washington Baum Bridge, but I could feel the wind really starting to pick-up.  [It should be noted that because of traffic I only ever ride this bridge off-season and during quiet travel times!]  Once I got on to Roanoke Island it really started to blow hard, and I was still relatively sheltered as I rode through Manteo and in the wooded area around the Lost Colony and Elizabethan Gardens (home of the first English Settlers in America).

Pretty soon I reached the Umstead Bridge and stopped to take these snaps.  Note that the Croatan Sound looks relatively calm at this point where it's sheltered from the wind....

After a short break I set out across the bridge - even though the wind was slightly behind me at this point, it wasn't long before I was wrestling with the slut and having to work really hard to keep her under control!  I tried to get on the aerobars to stay out of the wind, but after a couple of death wobbles I decided that discretion was the best part of valor and stayed up on the bars with my hands on the brakes!

By the time I got to the elevated section in the middle of the bridge it was absolutely ripping and I knew that coming back in the opposite direction was going to be brutal!

The Slut.   I was worried that she would blow over!

Looking down in to the Sound.  Brrrr.....
Luckily not much traffic on a Sunday morning.
It didn't get any easier when I got off the bridge and turned right onto Mashoes Road - smack bang in to the head wind.  Rode down a couple of miles before turning for home.  Strangely there were a huge number of deer carcases on the side of the road - well picked over by the turkey vultures.  I don't know if this was the result of the local red necks popping them off or the work of the local black bear population.   This area has the highest population density of black bears outside of Alaska.  My guess is the red necks!

Pretty quiet out on Mashoes Road!

I enjoyed having the wind at my back for a while until I turned left and back on to the bridge - all I can say is...   wow!   I had to really fight with The Slut to keep control and a couple of times I thought I might actually have to stop to avoid being pitched over the edge in to the Sound. 

At the start of the bridge - usually a beautiful calm spot.

To give you an idea of how hard it was blowing, I free-wheeled down the elevated section of the bridge and didn't even hit 15 mph!  A real struggle.  Even once I was back in the relatively protected confines of Manteo it was still hard work and coming back over the Washington Baum Bridge was brutal.   Perhaps worst of all was the final stretch up the beach road in Nags Head, where the wind was roaring directly in to my face.  Even on the aerobars I could barely hold 10 mph!

Certainly one of my more interesting rides!    I checked the weather channel when I got in and it said that the winds were sustained at 25 - 30 mph out of the NNW with gusts of 40 - 50 mph!

I wrestled The Slut and lived to tell the tale!  :-)

As an extra plus, even though the wind chill was significant, I stayed pretty warm - I guess that I have the right gear!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

You know you're old when....

So I got a haircut today and the stylist (if that's what they are in Great Clips!) was very complementary about my (let's call it "uber blonde") hair.  Shortly afterwards though, she asked if I swam a lot....     apparently she could tell that my hair has been exposed to pool water and all of the chemicals in it!

I was OK when she recommended that I try one of the specially formulated "anti chlorine" shampoos after pool sessions, but I was a little taken aback when she also recommended that I use this a couple of times a week....

Yes folks...   that's Matrix Solutionist "So Silver" shampoo!!!!    Damn!

I guess that she meant well as apparently it prevents any "yellowing".....

What an old fart I have become!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2011 Stats

So, for fun this morning I took a look at my training totals for 2011 in Training Peaks.   These numbers are a little underestimated as not all workouts and races were logged in Training Peaks (although the vast majority were).

Here goes:

Swim:   53,800 yards.     55.84 hours
Bike:     1,830.6 miles   112.27 hours
Run:      562.83 miles    104.32 hours

On top of this there are core workouts, TRX sessions, walks etc.
No wonder I'm tired!

Looking forward to seeing these numbers go up this year!   Can't imagine what the equivalent numbers look like for those crazy enough to train for the full Ironman distance!  (Yes, that's you Compass!)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Things That I Will Do in 2012.....

OK, so as per my previous post, I made just  two simple resolutions this year….    To waste less time surfing the internet and to put full effort and concentration in to every workout.

But there are soooo many other things that I want to do/achieve this year!   I have already posted my provisional race calendar and, of course, I will be trying my very best to undertake all of the workouts that The Puppeteer sets for me on to the very best of my ability, but beyond this there are a whole host of “triathlon things” that I need to do better this year.

During my first year of working with The Puppeteer I learned a great deal, both about triathlon training in general and about myself.  I have built what I now consider to be a reasonable “base fitness” which I intend to use as a springboard to more intense training and improved performance.

I remain relatively strong on the bike and my run times continue to improve at all distances and hopefully these will continue, but there are two “primary limiters” that I need to try to eliminate, so I will start with these:

First:   Lack of Flexibility:     Surprise, surprise, this tired old body is not as flexible as it used to be!   When I do stretching exercises next to other victims of The Puppeteer (especially the ladies of course) it’s clear that I have a long way to go!   In addition to increasing the likelihood of injury, the lack of flexibility likely hurts my performance in all three disciplines.   So what’s the solution?  Work, work, work!   I have done a couple of TRX sessions with The Dominatrix aimed at teaching me specific stretching and flexibility exercises and now that I have a TRX set-up at home I will incorporate these into my routine.  I will also do more exercises from Verstegen’s Core Performance books and spend time trying to master some yoga techniques as illustrated by local yoga guru Sage Roundtree at:

The good news is that I should be able to fit these additional sessions in relatively easily around my regularly scheduled workouts and they are definitely something that I can do when traveling.

I am also committed to improving my dynamic warm-ups before workouts (especially runs) and to stretching and using the dreaded foam roller afterwards.     In parallel I will be using TRX and Core Performance drills to try to dramatically improve my core strength.

I’m not sure that I’ll ever be this guy…..

......but I’ll try!

Second:   Swim Endurance:   This is very clearly my weakest triathlon discipline and the one that needs dramatic improvement.  The Puppeteer tells me that all is not lost and is actually reasonably complementary about my “form” but I still have poor endurance and am not able to hold my good form over long distances.   The solution to this one is to suck it up and work at it!   There’s nothing to do but to suck it up, schedule extra sessions in the pool, complete every swim set exactly as set and just keep at it!    I will also make sure that I get monthly one-on-one swim sessions with The Puppeteer.  One positive here is that I have discovered the City of Raleigh Optimist pool which is much nicer than Millbrook Exchange and is closer to home!

I also intend to hook-up with local triathletes to do more open water training swims in the local lakes and hopefully to do some sound/ocean swims with the GS-OBX group down at the coast this summer.

One other fun swim related objective is to learn to do freestyle flip turns properly (tumble turns if you’re in the UK or Australia).

I identify a key secondary limiter as my crazy and erratic work/travel schedule, but there’s not much I can do but try my best to work around it and to find ways to keep up with things when traveling.

OK, so those are the big ones…   what else?

Here goes, in no particular order:

1.   Continue to work on the bike.  More “TITS” (“time in the saddle”) will help, but there are other things to be done.   I need to spend more time in the aero position (the aforementioned flexibility will help!) especially that I now have “The Slut” and have converted my Cannondale CAAD9-5 back to a pure road bike and removed the aerobars.   I’m also going to work on my climbing and would love to find a way to ride in the mountains of NC somehow.   I would love to take a vacation follow some of the Tour de France stages one day, but I need to build up to those mountains!    Losing some weight will help (see below).   I would like to complete at least one organized 100 mile event.   I would also like to get my pedal stroke properly analysed and, perhaps, work with someone’s power meter for a while to try to get a good feel for how to get the best out of this relative strength.

Outside of specific triathlon training, our youngest daughter has finally learned to ride without training wheels and SWMBO loves riding her bike, so I’m looking forward to lots of “family rides” both on the local trails and at the coast.

Finally on the bike side of things (and this is something that I have already started) I’m going to do most of my own “wrenching” and keep my bikes in tip top shape – I already have my workshop kitted out!   J

2.   Get more sleep.   Have been doing well on this, but have slipped a little over the holiday period (those darned bowl games!)

3.  Attend The Puppeteer’s spring triathlon weekend clinic at the end of March. 

4.  Work out more often with others.   With the exception of a few rides with The Snitch, I was pretty much a Lone Wolf last year.   Working out with others is much more fun and I can now at least hold my own a little better than this time last year!  I can also learn a lot from those with more experience.   This has already started and The Puppeteer is already arranging a lot of group sessions – yeah!

5.  Find my racing weight.  I’m guessing that this is somewhere in the 180 – 185 lb range and will make a big difference to both my bike and run performance.  Of course this involves both continuing to eat well (sensible portions; good quality food; push calories earlier in the day) and burning calories.

6.  Have my run gait fully analysed (this may go along with 3. above) and continue to work on run technique to both improve performance and reduce injuries.

7.  Take dynamic warm-ups and post workout stretching very seriously.

8.  Stay hydrated

9.  Get serious about racing!   I know the ropes now and should know how to properly pace myself etc.   No reason to hold back!   I may not be challenging the podium any time soon in my age group (there are some scary dudes out there!) but I will improve my performance and race results!

10.  Continue having fun!   Train and race with a smile on my face.  This lady is my inspiration in this regard!  If a world champion can absolutely destroy world records without ever taking the smile off her face, then so can I!    Ummm....   I mean I can keep smiling, not break any world records!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


We have very much enjoyed the holiday season, including the annual "Gloggfest" celebrations down on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  Training has been pretty light, in no small part because (a) I am still fighting off the final vestiges of a nasty cold that I had before Christmas and, in particular, (b) I am still struggling a little with the right calf injury that I suffered during a track workout at UNC earlier in December.  I thought that I was recovered, but I tweaked it again during a run along the beach road in Nags Head a few days ago and had to walk back along the beach.  A walk/run session this morning was fine and I'm hoping that some deep tissue work with The Beast later this week will finally get the kinks out.

Last year I didn't make any specific New Year's resolutions, preferring instead to focus on my first few months of working with The Puppeteer and to keep working on my "Don't be a Homer" initiative....;postID=3336876058300963647

I will post some specific training thoughts and objectives soon, but in the mean time I did decide to make two specific New Year's resolutions this year.   Here they are:

1.   The first is a "personal resolution"....     I will spend less time "pfutzing around" ("futzing?") on my computer and more time reading or doing something more constructive with my spare time.  This will also include being less obsessed about work email at all hours of the day and night!

2.  The second is a "triathlon resolution"....   I will put hard effort and full intensity into every training workout (unless specifically instructed not to!).     Focus, focus, focus!

If you see me slacking off feel free to yell at me!

Happy New Year everyone!