I will write up my feelings about the 2011 season and my broader objectives for 2012 soon, but in the mean time, here's my provisional race calendar. Things look a little different this year as I have had a rush of the blood to the head and decided that I would like to run a full 26.2 mile marathon next fall. This means that I will focus on shorter (sprint and Olympic distance) triathlons earlier in the season before switching to a run focus later in the year.
March 18th. Tobacco Road Half Marathon
April 7th. Cary Duathlon (short course)
May 6th. White Lake Sprint Triathlon (revenge for last year's debacle!)
June. Continue to look for a sprint tri.
100 mile organised bike event. Possibly Habitat for Humanity ride
July 14th. Triangle Sprint Triathlon
August 4th. Stumpy Point Olympic Triathlon
September 22nd. Outer Banks Sprint Triathon
November 11th Outer Banks Marathon
These races will, no doubt, be supplemented with various road races as dictated by The Puppeteer!
I'm looking forward to a great year and, with The Puppeteer's help, to continuing to improve my performances in 2012. Target top 25% age group every event!
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